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The interview with Steve Harris was only available if pre-ordered before December 26, 2006 through the Iron Maiden website.
1. "Different World" (Recorded live in Aalborg on the A Matter of Life and Death tour, November 9, 2006) (Smith, Harris) – 4:15
2. Interview with Steve Harris on A Matter of Life and Death – 10:38
Different World recorded live in 2006 at an unspecified gig. Considering that the tour was still in progress, this was a bit of a bonus. Available via ironmaiden.com as a digital download through preordering, the download itself was available on 26th December 2006 and then deleted. The download included the track itself, accompanying PDF file with a printable CD cover and a 10 minute Steve Harris interview. All for about the price of a can of Sprite.

The interview with Steve Harris was only available if pre-ordered before December 26, 2006 through the Iron Maiden website.
1. "Different World" (Recorded live in Aalborg on the A Matter of Life and Death tour, November 9, 2006) (Smith, Harris) – 4:15
2. Interview with Steve Harris on A Matter of Life and Death – 10:38
Different World recorded live in 2006 at an unspecified gig. Considering that the tour was still in progress, this was a bit of a bonus. Available via ironmaiden.com as a digital download through preordering, the download itself was available on 26th December 2006 and then deleted. The download included the track itself, accompanying PDF file with a printable CD cover and a 10 minute Steve Harris interview. All for about the price of a can of Sprite.