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"THE FINAL FRONTIER" - новый альбом Iron Maiden

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  • Сообщение от Lonely NIght Посмотреть сообщение
    10. When The Wild Wind Blows - Чувствуется что это последняя песня девы. Что-то в ней прощальное есть. Лучшая на альбоме 10/10
    Да, пусть уже распадутся на пару-тройку годков, подумают, передохнут и запишут бодренький альбомчик!
    "Чтобы любить людей, надо от них мало ожидать." Клод Адриан Гельвеций.


    • Расслушал The Alchemist - Хорошая песня, правда вступление мне почему то в ней не очень нравится.
      I am a man who walks alone;"Fear Of The Dark"

      You'll take my life but I'll take yours too;"The Trooper"


      • Сообщение от Headcrusher Посмотреть сообщение
        Спорное заявление! :-)

        Я не доволен, например. И Майк, как мне кажется, тоже
        ну я и не ожидал ничего хорошего, однако, пока могу сказать , что лучше амолада. Выводов еще не делаю
        Вы огорчаться не должны -для вас покой полезней,
        Ведь вся история страны - история болезни.
        Живёт больное всё бодрей, всё злей и бесполезней -
        И наслаждается своей историей болезни... (c) ВВ


        • Isle Of Avalon

          I can hear them floating on the wind
          Immortal souls their weeping saddens me
          Mother earth you know your time is near
          Awaken lust the seed is sown and reaped

          Through the western isle I hear the dead awaken
          Rising slowing to the court of Avalon
          The cauldron of the head of Annwyn laced with envy
          Dark around its edge with pearl and destiny

          All my days I've waited for the sign
          The one that brings me closer to isle of Avalon
          I can feel the power flowing through my veins
          My heart is beating louder, close to Avalon

          I can hear you, can you hear me?
          I can feel you, can't you feel me?
          Fertility Mother Goddess
          Celebration, sow the seeds of the born
          The fruit of her body laden
          Through the corn doll
          You will pray for them all

          The image of Mother Goddess
          Lying dormant, in the eyes of the dead
          The sheaf of the corn is broken
          End the harvest
          Throw the dead of the pyre

          I hear her crying the tears of an angel
          The voices I hear in my head
          Blessed the fruits are the corn of the earth
          Mother earth holy blood of the dead

          [Guitar solo]

          Mother earth I can hear you
          Sacrifice, now united

          Rising levels of the tidal lakes protect them
          Keepers of the goddess in the underworld
          Holding powers of the mystics, deep inside them
          Nineteen maidens, guardians of the otherworld
          Mortal conflict born of Celtic legend
          That apart from seven, non-returned from Avalon

          Mother earth I can feel you
          My rebirth now completed

          Fertility mother goddess
          Celebration, sow the seeds of the born
          The fruits of her body laden
          Through the corn doll
          You will pray for them all
          The image of mother goddess
          Lying dormant, in the eyes of the dead
          The sheaf of the corn is broken
          End the harvest, throw the dead on the pyre

          To have the belief of others
          Looking for the Isle to
          Show them a sign
          Fertility of all mothers
          Stood in silence
          Waiting now for their turn

          The gateway to Avalon
          The island where the souls
          Of dead are reborn
          Brought here to die and be
          Transferred into the earth
          And then for rebirth

          I hear her crying the tears of an Angel
          The voices I hear in my head
          Blessed the fruits are the corn of the earth
          Mother earth holy blood of the dead

          The water in rivers and rhymes rises quickly
          Are flowing and flooding the land
          The sea shall return once again just to hide them
          Lost souls on the Isle of the dead
          Последний раз редактировалось Revelationer; 11-08-2010, 13:09.


          • Прослушал первую половину альбома до Isle.......пока только положительные эмоции!!!
            Вступление Sattelite 15.... очень понравилось, классно будет звучать на концертах. Только надо было их разделить с основной песней.


            • Mother of Mercy

              Sitting waiting in the falling rain
              Getting ready to begin again

              Wounded lying, crying, bodies moving, dying
              All around there is the smell of death and fire

              Here the planes are coming
              Hear the soldiers running
              Killing on a scale to comprehend

              Why are we here
              In this place...here to kill
              Please God forgive us for
              What we have done

              I always thought I was doing right
              As of now I'm not feeling so sure

              I'm at a place of where
              I give no grace
              I'm a soldier of war

              I sit waiting for my darkest hour to come
              I cannot think about the things that I have done
              It shouldn’t take a fool to see that I believe
              Accept the consequence, repent for what I’ve done

              You tell me what is certain but I’ll tell you what is true
              You tell me what is honesty, when all around is death and cruelty
              The making of a man is fire, not giving into our desires
              Within the truth it lies within the only thing

              Mother of Mercy
              Angel of death desire
              Mother of mercy
              Taking my last breath, of fire
              Mother of mercy
              Angel of pain
              Mother of mercy
              Taking my last breath

              Some say you are a lost cause, some say you're a saint
              Just being here's an act of suffering and restraint
              Walk down the long dark road to ruin and panic not
              I’ll die a lonely death of that I'm certain of

              Rivers flow with blood there's nowhere left to hide
              It’s hard to comprehend there's anyone left alive
              Sick of all the killing and the reek of death
              Will god tell me what religion is to man
              I don't hold with bad religion understand what's underneath it
              Now I come to think of it, I just don't hold at all you know it
              You say you are a holy man, but what is it you do
              From where I stand is nothing but a hollow man I see

              Mother of Mercy
              Angel of death desire
              Mother of mercy
              Taking my last breath, of fire
              Mother of mercy
              Angel of pain
              Mother of mercy
              Taking my last breath

              Mother of Mercy
              Angel of death desire
              Mother of mercy
              Taking my last breath, of fire
              Mother of mercy
              Angel of pain
              Mother of mercy
              Drawing my last breath

              I'm just a lonely soldier fighting in a bloody hopeless war
              Don't know what I'm fighting, who it is, or what I'm fighting for
              Thought it was for money, make my fortune, now I'm not so sure
              Seem to just have lost my way
              Последний раз редактировалось Revelationer; 11-08-2010, 13:09.


              • А альбом в сети пока в 192 kbps или в 320 уже где-нить можно скачать?


                • Сообщение от parovozzz Посмотреть сообщение
                  А альбом в сети пока в 192 kbps или в 320 уже где-нить можно скачать?
                  быстрее бы lossless появился!


                  • Половина ссылок либо не пашут, либо перегружена.


                    • Прослушал альбом три раза, альбом хорош, очень хорош, лучшие вещи 4, 7 и 10, хотя ИМХО не дотягивает до АМОЛАДА (хотя кому как, а по мне АМОЛАД - лучший альбом группы вообще).


                      • Быстрее бы CD получить. Альбом пока не впечатлил, Satellite 15...The Final Frontier и El Dorado пока для меня лучшие песни.


                        • Скачать mp3 [/QUOTE]

                          Сообщение от Ramke Посмотреть сообщение
                          Половина ссылок либо не пашут, либо перегружена.
                          [QUOTE=HELL;4563184]Дам еще одну прямую ссылку на новый альбом:

                          IRON MAIDEN - The Final Frontier

                          отсюда сразу скачал


                          • Сообщение от Сергей Посмотреть сообщение
                            Быстрее бы CD получить. Альбом пока не впечатлил, Satellite 15...The Final Frontier и El Dorado пока для меня лучшие песни.

                            МДа... ИМХО скорее худшие
                            <<<<<shs_records@mail.ru >>>>


                            • When The Wild Winds Blows

                              Have you heard what they said on the news today
                              Have you heard what is coming to us all?
                              That the world as we know it will be coming to an end
                              Have you heard, have you heard?

                              He sees them in the distance when the darkened clouds roll
                              He could feel tension in the atmosphere
                              He would look in the mirror, see an old man now
                              Does it matter they survive somehow

                              They said there's nothing can be done about the situation
                              They said there's nothing you can do at all
                              To sit and wait around for something to occur
                              Did you know, did you know?

                              As he stares across the garden looking at the meadows
                              Wonders if they’ll ever grow again
                              The desperation of the situation getting graver
                              Getting ready when the wild wind blows

                              Have you seen what they said on the news today
                              Have you heard what they said about us all
                              Do you know what is happening to just every one of us
                              Have you heard, have you heard?

                              There will be a catastrophe the like we’ve never seen
                              There will be something that will light the sky
                              That the world as we know it, it will never be the same
                              Did you know, did you know?

                              He carries everything into the shelter not a fuss
                              Getting ready when the moment comes
                              He has enough supplies to last them for a year or two
                              Good to have because you never know

                              They tell us nothing that we don’t already know about
                              They tell us nothing that is real at all
                              They only fill us with the stuff that they want
                              Did you know, did you know?

                              He's nearly finished with the preparations for the day
                              He's getting tired; that'll do for now
                              They are preparing for the very worst to come to them
                              Getting ready when the wild wind blows

                              He sees the picture on the wall, it's falling down
                              Upside down
                              He sees a teardrop from his wife roll down her face,
                              Saying Grace
                              Remember times they had, they flash right through his mind
                              Left behind
                              Of a lifetime spent together long ago
                              Will be gone

                              They've been preparing for some weeks now
                              For when the crucial moment comes
                              To take their refuge in the shelter
                              Let them prepare for what will come

                              They make a tea and sit there waiting
                              They're in the shelter feeling snug
                              Not long to wait for absolution
                              Don't make a fuss; just sit and wait

                              Can't believe all the lying,
                              All the screens are denying
                              That the moments of truth have begun

                              Can't you see it on the T.V.?
                              Don't believe them in the least bit
                              Now the days of our ending have begun

                              Say a prayer when it's all over
                              Survivors unite, all as one
                              Got to try and help each other
                              Got the will to overcome

                              I can't believe all the lying,
                              All the screens are denying
                              That the moments of truth have begun

                              Can't you see it on the T.V.?
                              Don't believe them in the least bit
                              Now the days of our ending have begun

                              When they found them, had their arms wrapped around each other
                              Their tins of poison laying near by their clothes
                              The day they both mistook an earthquake for the fallout,
                              Just another when the wild wind blows...
                              Последний раз редактировалось Revelationer; 11-08-2010, 13:09.


                              • When The Wild Winds Blows после одного прослушивания чего-то вообще не впечатлила. Она впрочем ещё и в семплах не впечатлила. Типичная AMOLAD-овская вещь. Может надо ещё слушать.

